How to prepare print files
SPECIFICATION - guidelines for label print files preparation
File preparation
We accept finalised output files, saved in PDF format (up to 1.6 version) roduction files in other formats (CDR, Al, PSD, etc.) will not be accepted.
- the net size of the file should be consistent with the size given in the order (trimbox)
- minimal bitmap resolution 300-360 dpi
- all fonts should be changed into curves
- all graphic elements should be embedded in the file
- please add 1mm of bleed per side in each file (bleedbox)
- the minimum safe area is 1mm from the cut line (inner margin)
- the file should not contain any printing marks — colour scales, cutting marks and other
safe area
- cutting template (thickness 0,25pt) should be saved as a separate layer defined with the colour previously saved in the colour library as CutContour (set to CMYK 0/100/0/0) — the layer has to be prepared as an overprint; in case of a missing cut contour, it will be automatically added to the net size of the file and with 2mm rounded corners.
- white underprint is used with transparent and metalic materials. Graphic elements printed with white ink should be saved as a separate layer defined with the colour previously saved in the colour library as White Ink. White_Ink should be set to CMYK 30/0/0/0 with the overprinting of the fill turned on
CutContour, White_lnk, Varnish 100, Varnish 40, Gold and Silver foils and cmyk are created on separate, appropriately named layers

We are not responsible for the printing of artwork not prepared according to the above specifications. Correction of files by LaboPrint's graphic designers is possible, priced according to the valid price list of services.
UV lnkjet 1200 dpi technology / Food Safe 1200 dpi technology
Colour settings
The entire artwork should be saved in CMYK colour space (except for the die-cut outline colour and the white under-print).
- without embedded colour profiles
- spot colours (Pantone, HKS) converted to CMYK (except for cut contour and white print elements). Unconverted spot colours will be automatically converted to CMYK colour scale. Our CMS is based on ISO Coated v2 reference profile, in accordance to which we adjust the colour profiles for our printing materials.
- each project shall be delivered in a separate file/li>
- the print files should be named in a similar manner, which also enables to easily discern each file
- the file names ought to be in Polish or English
- the file names should not contain any special characters
- all files should be uploaded directly to our FTP server. Each customer has an individual access account — to obtain the login information contact your advisor. Files up to 15 MB can be sent via e-mail.
common for all technologies
- selective 3D varnish - should be placed on a separate layer called “Varnish 40” and saved as an additional colour (setting: Varnish 40, CMYK 100/0/0/0 and in 40% coverage (Al: Window/Properties/Look/Coverage))
- selective 3D varnish MAX - should be placed on a separate layer called “Varnish 100” and saved as an additional colour (setting: Varnish 100, CMYK 100/0/0/0)
- gold gloss foil - should be placed on a separate layer called “Gold” and saved as an additional colour (setting: Gold, CMYK 0/0/100/0)
- silver gloss foil - should be placed on a separate layer called “Silver” and saved as an additional colour(setting: Silver, CMYK 0/0/0/60)
- 3D varnish - minimal line thickness is 0,5pt / minimal font height 10pt (3,5mm)
- 3D MAX - minimal line thickness is 2pt / minimal font height 23pt (8mm)
- In case of refinements it is necessary to maintain a 1 mm safe area, counted from the cut contour line. It is not possible to combine 3D and 3D MAX within a single file. You can combine foil (silver/gold) with varnish, varnish 3D or 3D MAX . A maximum of 15% of the surface of the label can be covered with 3D and 3D MAX.
INKJET UV 360/720 dpi technology
- black colour does not need to be enhanced by other colours, small text elements and bar codes should be set as CMYK 0/0/0/100 without other colour elements. Overprint for black shall be turned off.
- bar codes shall be prepared as vector files, colour set as CMYK 0/0/0/100. If set otherwise, it will be difficult for us to guarantee the codes are readable for scanners.
- Minimal code width is 21mm.
- minimal font height is 1,2mm.
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