Print file preparation for flexible packaging
SPECIFICATION - guidelines for flexible packaging print files preparation Flexible Packaging
We acceptfinalised output files, saved in PDF formatProduction files in other formats (CDR, AI, PSD etc) will not be accepted
- the net size of the file should be consistent with the size given in the order (trimbox)
- minimal bitmap resolution 300-360dpi
- all fonts should be changed into curves
- all graphic elements should be embedded in the file
- please add 5 mm of bleed at the top and bottom and 2mm bleed at left and right side of the artwork
- the minimum safe area is 2mm from sealing area
- the file should not contain any printing marks - colour scales, cutting marks and other

- white underprint is used with transparent and metalic materials. Graphic elements printed with white ink should be saved as a separate layer with overprint defined with the colour previously saved in the colour library as White_Ink. White_Ink should be set to CMYK 30/0/0/0.

White_Ink should be placed on a separate layer, named accordingly

We do not take responsibility for printing works prepared not in accordance with above specification. It is possible to correct files by Labo Print graphic designers, according to current price list of this kind of services.
All graphics should be converted into CMYK colour system (except for white print elements)
- without embedded colour profiles
- spot colour Pantone is accepted for printing, other spot colours are not accepted
- each project shall be delivered in a separate file
- each project shall be delivered with a template including positioning of other elements like zipper, easy open notch and other
- the print files should be named in a similar manner, which also enables to easily discern each file
- the file names ought to be in Polish or English
- the file names should not contain any special characters
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